Monday, January 11, 2010

The Dread Of the Monday

It is the beginning of the second week of the New Year and once again school is in full charge. Around this time of year I just want to stay in bed and sleep and Mondays are the worst. First off, it has been cold and though there is talk of warming up this week that still only puts the high at like 36° Fahrenheit. Yippee! The temperature is going to be above the freezing mark…now if it was going to be like 60°, that would be something I would feel worthy of celebrating over. It kind of shows just how pathetically cold it has been the past couple of weeks. Then we have school on top of it! Like seriously what are we supposed to wear to school mittens and sweats?? Personally, I like to dress up a bit for school and having to worry about whether I am going to get frostbite while walking from my car to the school building when getting ready for school is never fun. Mondays are definitely the worst though. I have spent most of the weekend recovering from the previous school week which means catching up on homework and sleep. For the most part I get like twice as much sleep on the weekends, usually not getting up before like ten of eleven…ok, sometimes noon, but then I am expected to be in class by seven on Monday morning! Like seriously? That means getting up around 5:30 to get ready and do homework that I just could not find the desire to do over the weekend. I mean each weekend is like a mini vacation and every Monday is the end of my dreams and beginning of tests, notes and assignments. It can definitely be a little disheartening to come to school when you know for the next five days you probably will not get more than six hours of sleep each night if you are lucky and are going to be up during the early morning hours for homework. Mondays have become this symbol for work and that is because that is how our society has been run. Most people work Monday through Friday and get the weekends off for time at home or wherever they so choose. The same goes for school classes are Monday through Friday and therefore most people will spend their entire lives with this belief of a work week that is stopped by the weekend and the weekend which is the time for people to relax is then ended by Mondays. It stinks because Mondays, no matter what age you are, are the days that stop the relaxation and remind you of your responsibilities. It is a shame for Mondays that they have been given such a bad name almost in our society but then again someday had to get that chore.

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